Go Green Together: Online Recycling Events to Meet Professionals


  • Recycling Meet 2024 will be an online conference; authors must attend and present at the conference virtually.
  • Papers may have multiple authors: at least one author must register for and attend the conference. Have the names, institutions, and email addresses of all co‐authors readily available.
  • Authors can submit their abstracts in Doc, Docx and Pdf format : abstract format
  • Ensure that all authors who contributed to the work are included. Authors’ names should be entered as they would appear in the published abstract
  • Abstract body should be a minimum of 300 characters and maximum of 2,400 characters, excluding spaces Notification of acceptance or rejection of the scientific committee will be given after 2 days of submission.
  • All accepted abstracts will be published in the conference proceedings and the proceedings book will be distributed electonically to all the conference attendees on the day of the conference.
  • The submitting author should input all author details and upload their abstract using the abstract submission form.
  • Oral Participation:

    Oral presentations are forms of effective verbal communication that may be accompanied by slides. It is imperative that you avoid using your slides as a substitute for your spoken presentation; slides should support your points, not take their place. The audience engagement is diminished when presenters write out their presentations on slides or list every point they want to make.

    E-Poster Presentation:

    In a E-poster presentation, you present your work using a visual display rather than a formal oral presentation. Each author showcase their presentation through diagrams, graphics, data, photos, and concise text. The E-poster itself should be clear and understandable without additional explanation.


    The listener category is designed for attendees who do not present but wish to participate in the event. Listeners can enjoy keynote speeches and insights from prominent speakers and are encouraged to share their own ideas during conference sessions. Additionally, listeners will have ample networking opportunities with both corporate and academic professionals.


    The conference is soliciting literature review, survey, business case study and research papers and comments including, whilst not limited to, the following areas of interest:

    • Agricultural Waste Recycling
    • Bioenergy and Biofuels from Waste
    • Biological Medical Waste Management
    • Chemical Waste Management
    • Clean Management Technology
    • Circular Economy
    • Innovations and Technologies
    • Food Waste Recycling
    • Environmental Pollution Control
    • E-waste Management
    • Hazardous waste management
    • Industrial waste management
    • Landfill disposal
    • Organic & Inorganic Waste Recycling
    • Plastic Recycling
    • Recycling and Upcycling
    • Wastewater management
    • Waste to Energy
    • Renewable Energy and Resources
    • Business Insights & Policy
    • Zero Waste Concepts
    • Recycling – Reduce, Reuse and Recovery